Core Sampling/ profit and loss/ desires and appetites #2, intaglio print 2013 140 x 50cm
Core Sampling/ profit and loss/ desires and appetites #5, intaglio print 2013 140 x 50cm
Core Sampling/ profit and loss/ desires and appetites #6, intaglio print 2013 140 x 50cm
From Yirrkala/ sky/ night, intaglio print 2012 54x 78cm
From Yirrkala/ land, intaglio print 2012 54x 78cm
From Yirrkala/ sky/ day, intaglio print 2012 54 x 78cm
Kurangk/ blue green/ pink white shift #5, intaglio print 2010 79 x 106cm
Kurangk/ blue green/ pink white shift #4 , intaglio print 2010 79 x 106cm
Cultural Flow/ upstream downstream/ between the banks #2, intaglio print 2010 143 x 94cm
Cultural Flow/ upstream downstream/ between the banks #1, intaglio print 2010 143 x 94cm
Journey to the Wimmera (night driving) / layers in the sand/ skin, intaglio print 2007 40 x 100cm
Core Samplings/ Cultivated Amnesia #1,intaglio print 2008
Core Samplings/ Cultivated Amnesia #2, intaglio print 2008
Other at the edge/ remembering at Kamay/ white stain, multiplate colour etching 2004 100 x 65.5cm
Other at the edge/ remembering at Kamay/ groundwater stain, multiplate colour etching 2004 100 x 65.5cm
0700-0900 Before the day / in the blackness #3 multiplate colour etching 2004 Unique print
0700-0900 Before the day / in the blackness #1 multiplate colour etching 2004 Unique print
Anomalies and Adjustments #2 multiplate colour etching 2004 Unique Print